Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Parmesan Fries

Oh yes, we absolutely went there!!! Alright, so being a carboholic I tend to have potatoes in the house most days but never know what to do with them. Do I mash them yet again, or try to bake them in my microwave, or slice and scallop them? The same old recipes with the same old boring potatoes, that is until I was searching around on Pinterest and I spotted someone had logged a recipe for "Parmesan baked fries". After wiping up all the drool from instant salivation I quickly decided this was a 'must try' and threw it on my bucket list of recipes. Of course you can't have fries without a burger of some sort so I requested the fabulous cooking skills of my husband and 'placed my order'. Literally lol. I said I'd like Parmesan crusted baked french fries and I'm feeling a hamburger with feta and bacon in the middle - can you make that appear. And you know what? About 60 minutes later it DID!!!

Are you hungry yet?? Because I could eat this all over again and its only 9am here lol. No more stalling, let's bake these!!

5 russet potatoes
1/4 cup Parmesan - freshly shaved
1/4 cup Parmesan - grated in the can
1 tbsp Garlic powder
1 tsp chili powder
1 tbsp sea salt

Simply rinse and slice the potatoes to the thickness you like your french fries. Mix all of the above ingredients in a bowl and toss to coat. Place them on a lined baking sheet and pop them in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Then turn them so that the other side can properly brown up and let them bake for about another 20-30 depending how strong your oven is! They're done when they're golden brown all over and slightly crispy - seriously delicious!! Enjoy them by themselves or with some dipping sauce or with a delicious burger lol!


1 comment:

  1. These look so good!!! I'm totally making these this weekend! Thanks, cous!
