Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mozzarella Sticks & Spicy Marinara Sauce

YUM! I don't really think that I need to post much more than the title, the word YUM, and a picture lol. However...I will give you a little anecdote to get your excitement heightened...
So, about a week ago my sister sent me an invitation to Pinterest. (For those of you who aren't familiar with this website - GET ACQUAINTED!) Anyhoo - so of course there is an entire section of Food and Drinks...I clicked this category and about 6 hours later I had decided #1 this is an amazing website #2 I am starving from staring at all of this food and #3 boy oh boy do I have recipes to chose from now! This particular recipe was one of the first that caught my eye. Primarily because it's fried cheese, how do you go wrong with that? And secondarily because it was so simple it would be hard to mess it up lol. Therefore, I made a shopping list and went for it...there are a whole 3 ingredients for the Fried Mozzarella Sticks. However, I think it's illegal to indulge in such fantastic food without the proper dipping sauce so I told Zach I needed a Spicy Marinara to accompany my fried cheese and 5 minutes later there it was - he's so talented lol.
Ok was that enough build up...let's fry some cheese and experience the deliciousness that was in my kitchen last night!

Mozzarella Sticks - 
12 pack of string cheese
Lumpia wrappers (found in freezer section, just make sure you let them thaw before you use them)
Vegetable Oil (for frying)

Spicy Marinara Sauce -
Can of crushed tomatoes
Garlic powder
Crushed red pepper
2 Bay leaves
Salt & pepper to taste

The mozzarella sticks are the easiest thing ever! All you have to do is peel one lumpia wrapper from the packaging and roll up one string cheese stick inside of it (like a taquito). If the wrapper won't stick closed you can put half of a toothpick through the ending of the wrapper and into the cheese stick to secure it for frying. Heat the oil in a pan and when it's piping hot carefully place the cheese sticks into the oil. (Use a splatter screen so that you're not frying yourself as well lol). Let the cheese sticks cook for about 3 minutes on each side, rotating them every so often. When they look golden simply scoop them out with a slotted spatula and place them on paper towels to absorb some of that oil.

Either before or after making the cheese sticks, prepare the marinara sauce. If you like yours chilled just prepare it before the mozzarella sticks and throw it in the fridge, otherwise you can prepare it alongside the cheese sticks. Zach basically threw all of the ingredients into a medium sized pan and set the heat to medium high, stirring constantly. Once the temperature is as you'd like it, serve it up alongside those fried mozzarella sticks and ENJOY!

 Go ahead...try NOT to eat all of them, I dare you...
 String cheese wrapped in Lumpia wrappers 
(we stuck half of a toothpick in ours so that the wrapper wouldn't unravel)
Frying away...
 Golden deliciousness...

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